
Welcome to our Fundamental Program is designed specifically for new Olympic weightlifters! This structured program is tailored to introduce beginners to the fundamentals of Olympic weightlifting, build a solid foundation of technique, and lay the groundwork for long-term success in the sport. Here's how we structure our On-Ramp Program:

Introduction to Olympic Weightlifting

  • Orientation session: Overview of Olympic weightlifting, safety guidelines, and program expectations.

  • Movement assessment: Individual assessment of mobility, flexibility, and basic movement patterns.

  • Introduction to the snatch: Breakdown of the snatch grip, foot positioning, and barbell mechanics.

  • Introduction to the clean and jerk: Explanation of the clean grip, front rack position, and jerk technique.

  • Basic barbell movements: Practice of foundational movements such as the front squat, overhead squat, and push press.

Technique Mastery

  • Snatch technique drills: Focus on first pull, second pull, and receiving position in the snatch.

  • Clean and jerk technique drills: Emphasis on clean pulls, power cleans, and split jerks.

  • Progressive skill development: Gradual introduction of more complex movements and variations.

  • Video analysis: Use of video feedback to assess and refine technique.

  • Individualized coaching: Personalized instruction and corrections to address specific areas of improvement.

Strength Development

  • Introduction to strength training: Basic strength exercises to build a foundation of strength and stability.

  • Squat variations: Focus on back squats, front squats, and overhead squats to develop lower body strength.

  • Pulling exercises: Incorporation of deadlifts, clean pulls, and snatch pulls to reinforce pulling mechanics.

  • Core stability: Emphasis on core strength exercises to improve stability and bracing during lifts.

  • Progressive overload: Gradual increase in training volume and intensity to stimulate muscle growth and adaptation.